This morning I had a lunch date with Diana, one of my few good friends here in Singapore. She treated me with a sumptuous meal that I never tasted before, a bowl of Fried wanton noodle! So good that I will definitely eat it again.
Changi City Point Mall, Singapore
Fried wonton noodles
Ice Lemon Tea
Then we shared a bunch of stories, she laughed so hard while I narrated my long funny love story with my husband. Honestly it sounds hilarious now but during that time I literally cried a bucket to fight for our relationship and sometimes we both still wonder how we managed to overcome everything! Praise God for blessing us a wonderful marriage!
We did a little shopping then we went home then I received a text message that gave me a moment to say, "awwww" and may I quote what Diana said, “I think you can write in your blog about you being a positive person and what comes to your mind because your energy is captivating and can help others to have a positive outlook in life."
And so here I am trying to share that energy though I’m not so sure how to put it in words. Well, let me start with, I LOVE MY LIFE! Every morning I wake up with a smile on my face for the very reason that I know I’m alive and I have another day to live. We know that not everyone is lucky to wake up in the morning. This may sound a simple reason but it gives me a great feeling! Another morning means I have another day, another chance with my husband, with my family and friends. I can do a lot of things and I can start it off with a cup of coffee!
THANK YOU LORD FOR THE BLESSINGS! After breakfast I stop for awhile right after I checked my twitter account, facebook, and instagram’s likes and messages. I allot a couple of minutes to think about what I have right now, like a wonderful husband who kisses me and greets me, "Good Morning Sweetheart!" And that is every single morning! Then I remember my mom’s last days she said knowing that it could be your last day makes you more appreciative of what is around you and I practice this every day. I look outside seeing not only a sky but a clear blue sky with a radiant shinning sun!
Parking Lot at Expo Singapore
I look at the flowers not just flowers but how colorful and how beautiful the flowers are! I breathe and I imagine every organ of my body is functioning well! Enough reasons to smile and look forward to what this day may bring. GOD is so wonderful for giving us an amazing world to live in.

Lastly, I SHARE LOVE by saying I LOVE YOU! I say it countless times to my husband and whenever I have a chance to talk to my Tatay (dad), my sisters, my grandma, everyone! I just want them to know how I feel. I remember my mom saying that when you know that you are dying you will do everything to make up for the lost times and regret the times you didn’t even utter the words “I Love You.” I am sure that I don’t want to regret it someday but nevertheless make every moment counts. Just like in my favorite movie, MY BESTFRIEND’s WEDDING, “If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just passes you by.” Saying I love you isn’t hard to do let it out and you will feel every thing will turn positive.
Orchard Central, Singapore
Life isn’t perfect but it is in our hands to make things right for us. Let go of the NEGATIVE feelings by not pushing it away but by filling your heart with the POSITIVE ones like happiness and love through good memories. Don’t chase what you don’t have or can’t have it will just frustrates you rather cherish what’s infront of you. ASK GOD and CLAIM that in HIS own time if its really yours the answers will come, but if not something far better than you expect is going to happen in your life.
It is like a two-way street LEFT and RIGHT,
now take your pick which way you want.
I am sharing this because I’ve been there…darkest, lowest, loneliest, moment of my life but God is real He never left me but I AM TELLING YOU, HE rearranged my life far better than what I have imagined my life to be. LIVE LIFE through your personal HAPPINESS, THANKSGIVING, and LOVE!
I took all the pictures this morning using my Iphone4S,
except our Prenup photo (by Eric Tan)
Location: Changi City Point Mall, and around Expo